

Friday 11 April 2014


Malenkosti. Valencianske uličke s presenečenji. Kalčet in pivo. Pikasta vrečka (z "vintage" jakno iz 90-ih). Nebo takoj po dežju. Obisk od doma. Koncert od benda, ki sem ga prvič slišala 2 uri prej (in še to samo en komad). "... piccoli regali che noi chiamiamo coincidenze - che infatti sono le cose che ci riempiono la vita."

Small things. Valencian streets with their surprises. Calcio balilla and beer. Polka dot bag (with a "vintage" jacket from the 90's). The sky right after the rain. Visit from home. Concert of a band, that I first listened to two hours before (and only one song). "... small gifts that we call coincidences - which in fact are the things that fill up our lives."


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