

Thursday 27 March 2014


[Teden dni pozneje] Španskemu timingu navkljub so edine stvari, ki so tukaj časovno točne, povezane z Las Fallas. Ognjemeti in mascletà. Zaradi slednjega se Valencia vsak dan ob dveh popoldan od prvega do devetnajstega marca ustavi za 5 minut. Dobesedno. Celotno mesto diha z dogodkom (dogajanjem) - v resnici smo imeli v službi prosto / podaljšan vikend (in to do srede). Entuziazem in vzdušje, ki se stopnjuje od začetka meseca. Število prebivalstva Valencie se znatno poveča. Kljub mojemu običajnemu ne-navdušenju nad ognjemeti, so tukajšnji očarljivi. In kot se tukaj počne tudi vse ostalo - potencirani. Finiš v petih dneh skoraj brez spanja. Obrnjen bioritem. Poulične porcherije za prste obliznit. Počitek v parku ob spremljavi neuglašenih pihalnih orkestrov. Žurke in koncertiči na prostem, povsod. Pivo. Sangria. Orujo. Francoz, ki mrtvo hladno spi na moji postelji (bolj mrtvo kot hladno). Paella, pripravljena kot se spodobi. Sončni vzhodi. Lučke. Rože. Ogenj. Ponos. Dekadenca.

[A week after] Despite the usual Spanish timing, everything connected with Las Fallas is surprisingly punctual. Fireworks and mascletà. The latter is the reason for Valencian life to stop for 5 minutes every day at 2 PM from March 1 to March 19. Literally. The whole city breaths with the happening - in fact, we earned an extended weekend (that lasted till Wednesday). The excitement and atmosphere that keeps growing from the beginning of the month. The population of Valencia increases; quite a lot. Even though I'm usually not really enthusiasted about fireworks, these here were charming. And like everything here is done - exaggerated. The finale in five days with almost no sleep. Reversed biorithm. Yummy street sweet thingies. Rest in the park, accompanied by out-of-tune brass bands. Outdoor concerts and parties, everywhere. Beer. Sangria. Orujo. A half-dead French guy found sleeping on my bed. A proper paella. Sunrises. Lights. Flowers. Fire. Pride. Decadence.


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