

Saturday 18 October 2014


Oh, Madrid! Kjer je jesen res jesen (sicer španska, ampak je!). In ne pre-vroči ostanki poletja. In kjer Španci med govorjenjem ne požrejo pol besed. In kjer metro dela, kot se spodobi.

Spoznavanje lokalnih primerov krajinsko arhitekturnih dobrih praks (z lepimi grafičnimi detajli, mimogrede) - vključno s testiranjem igrišč, igral in vsega podobnega. Makete na Le Corbusier-jevi razstavi. Odkritje lušne eko tržnice čisto po naključju. Sejem starih in rabljenih knjig (po tem, ko sem ene dvajsetkrat vprašala za špansko verzijo Hobita, sem kar malo obupala). Odlično kosilo (omnomnom) v najboljši družbi na najbolj kul tržnici v mestu. Koncert v blatnih in od dežja premočenih (poletnih!) supergah. Mama z dvema hčerkama na taistem koncertu. In zakon filing, ko ogromna množica navdušenih (in že rahlo opitih) fanov po uvodnem akordu (bolj ali manj) odpoje (odkruli) pol svojega priljubljenega komada (naslednjič bom tudi js znala vsa besedila!). Izpopolnjevanje znanja španščine (na obskurnih primerih fraz s strani lokalcev). Najljubša risba iz skicirke za domov. 

Pridem spet. Kmalu.






P.S. Ostale slike so tukaj. :)


Oh, Madrid! Where the autumn is really autumn (even though a Spanish one) and not some (too) hot remains of summer. Where Spanish people don’t swallow half of their words while speaking. And where the metro works as it is supposed to. 

Exploring local examples of good practice in landscape architecture (combined with lovely graphic design details, by the way) - including professional testing of playgrounds and similar facilities. Models on Le Corbuser's exhibition. Random discovery of a cute small eco market with a café. Fair of old and second-hand books (after asking around for about twenty times for the Spanish version of Hobbit and not finding it - I quite gave up). Yummy lunch in perfect company on the coolest market in town. Concert with muddy and completely wet shoes on my feet. Mother with two daughters on this same concert. And the precious feeling when a huge crowd of enthusiastic (and already slightly drunk) fans (more or less) sing the first half of their beloved song just after the opening chord (next time I'll also know all the lyrics!). Improving my language skills (through being taught some weird expressions by the locals). The priceless gift of my favourite drawing from the sketchbook.

I will come back. Soon.

P.S. Other photos are here. :)


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