

Saturday 8 February 2014


Po dobrih osmih dneh, ko sem se igrala turista, je minil moj prvi uradni delovni teden. Malo manj se sprehajam (in posledično manj fotografiram) in malo več gulim stol, tipkovnico in svinčnike tukaj: Yonoh. Kljub relativno intenzivnih dnevih imam še vedno (in vedno bolj) občutek, da Špance preveva neke vrste sproščenost, ležernost, "ah-saj-bo"-attitude. V vsem kar počnejo. Kar pa ne pomeni, da stvari ne bi počeli zavzeto in s strastjo.

Urniki so tukaj opcija (mogoče tudi malo zaradi tega, ker delamo v oblikovalskem studiu). Ponedeljek - no, počasi bomo naštudirali, kaj imamo za naredit ta teden. Petek - delamo samo dopoldan, ker - jasno, da ne moreš it utrujen v vikend! Vmes še otvoritev razstave/koncert, dan po tem pa eksplicitno (po šefovih navodilih) začnemo delat pozneje. In to, kar bi bila v Sloveniji videt zelo zapeta "žurka s šefom", tukaj izpade najbolj sproščeno kar se da. Vključno s spoznavanjem mujeres od sodelavcev. In brez kakršnegakoli prisiljenega nasmihanja, pogovorov o vremenu in modrega kimanja. Ampak s pivom.

Španci se ljupčkajo. Vedno. :) Tudi če so se videli zjutraj v službi in se bodo naslednje jutro spet. Ali pa če te vidijo prvič v življenju. Če jim po vljudni srednjeevropski navadi kdo poda roko, ne vejo točno, kaj bi z njo počeli, in jo potem rahlo negotovo primejo in na kratko opravijo s to neprijetnostjo (torej sem se odvadila tega).

Tako kot so urniki fleksibilni (malenkost tudi za metro!), se po podobnem principu (ne)upoštevajo pravila. Poštar prinese paket za cimro, in ko po hitrem postopku ugotovi, da punca živi na našem naslovu, ampak je samo trenutno fizično odsotna, se suvereno odloči "No, saj potem lahko tudi ti podpišeš."  Prav tako so barve na semaforju zgolj predlog. Predvsem ponoči. In seveda so tam zaradi tega, da ne bi bilo vse preveč črno-belo.

Španci tečejo. In telovadijo. Ali se kako drugače ukvarjajo s športom. Vse to sicer prinaša marsikatere lepe razglede, vendar istočasno tudi slabo vest, ko jaz v parku na soncu (medtem ko mimo mene ljudje tečejo) zabadam vilice v kosilo (no, še vedno raje plavam in sem današnje dopoldne izkoristila za to - juhu!).

V štirinajstih dneh nisem še srečala nekoga, ki bi bil zelo siten ali zelo jezen ali kako drugače negativno nastrojen (no, razen kakšnega nevrotičnega šoferja, ki rad trobi). Ne vem, ali je to posledica količine sonca, bližine morja ali česa tretjega. :)

Enako kot Valencians funkcionirajo, na isti način tudi govorijo. Brez ostrih glasov, močnih RRR-jev in definiranih koncev besed, ampak rahlo razvlečeno, mehko, melodično (in dostikrat še vedno prehitro, da bi vse razumela).

Bona nit! 

After about eight days of my tourist-like wandering around the city, yesterday I concluded my first official work week. A little less strolling down the streets (and consequently fewer photos) and a bit more of sketching, drawing and clicking with the mouse here: Yonoh. Despite the intensity of the past days I still have a feeling that Spanish people are somehow constantly relaxed and have – what at first sight seems – a really careless attitude. About everything they do. This doesn’t mean they do things without enthusiasm and passion.

Schedules are an option here (maybe one of the reasons lies in the fact that we work in a design studio). Monday – well, we can figure out what we have to do this week. Friday – we work only in the morning, because, obviously you cannot start the weekend completely exhausted! And in the middle of the week also an opening of an exhibition / concert (the boss explicitly told us that the day after we begin working later). And what in Slovenia would be an extremely uptight “party with the boss”, here turns out to be a perfectly laid-back and casual happening that also includes meeting colleagues’ mujeres. Without any fake smiles, talking about the weather and uninterested nods. But with a beer instead.

Spanish people kiss. Always. :) Even if they’ve met this morning at work (and will also meet the next morning). Or even if they see you the first time in their lives. If you want to shake hands they don’t know exactly what to do (with the hand). ;)

Just as the schedules here are quite flexible (even for the metro!) – (not) following the rules seems to work by a similar principle. The postman brings a parcel for my flatmate. And after figuring out that she actually lives at this address, but is only currently absent, he decides that is also ok if I sign for the delivery. The colours of the traffic lights seem to be only a suggestion. Especially at night. And, of course, they’re there so the streets would not be too black-and-white.

Spanish people run. Or do any other kind of sports. This can bring along many nice views, but also a feeling of guilt when I sit in the park and stab my lunch with a fork (while people run past me… well, I still prefer a nice swim and did so this morning, woo-hoo!).

In the past fortnight I’ve never met someone who would be very annoyed or very angry or otherwise negative (except for some neurotic drivers). I don’t know exactly if this is because of the large amount of sunshine, nearness of the sea, or something else. :)

The way the Valencians function, the same way they speak. Without sharp voices, strong RRRs and defined end of words, but with a slightly lazy, soft and melodic tone (and often still too fast for me to understand everything).

Bona nit!


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